Post III Introduction by Judy Mikovits

Introduction By Dr Judy Mikovits
The first outbreak of (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) ME/CFS occurred in 1934-35 in Los Angeles County Hospital. 198 doctors and nurses contracted it but none of the patients. All of the medical staff had taken a vaccination against polio prior to the outbreak which had been developed by a doctor under the auspices of the Rockerfeller Institute of New York. In creating the vaccine, the polio virus was passaged multiple times through mouse brain tissue. Using mouse tissue was new in the 1930 and had only been used in the development of a Yellow Fever vaccine. The staff were also given an accompanying immune system booster which was preserved in Thimerosal, a Mercury derivative which is discussed in more detail at the end of this post.

Kent Heckenlively, Mikovits’ co-author, found something even more intriguing. He also unearthed information that suggested that the nearly two hundred medical staff who had been infected were subsequently in receipt of a financial settlement to the tune of 6 million dollars which in today’s money is more than 100 million dollars. Coincidence? In the famous publication by journalist Hillary Johnson, Osler’s Web (1996), which concerned itself with the ME/CFS outbreak in the 1980s, the author states that she had been informed by a Canadian researcher that the victims(the medical staff from the Los Angeles hospital) had been compensated four years after the incident. Heckenlively believed it could be the Rockerfeller Institute who were endeavouring to cover up their mistake. Indeed, it had been this institute that first funded the use of mouse tissue to grow vaccines. However, this information is anecdotal and circumstantial and requires further research. It is very important for any researcher not to try to bend information so that it fits neatly into one’s pet theory but to endeavour to remain rigorously objective. This I intend to do!

However, the following related information is definitely factual and highly relevant to the above. To wit, a Dr. G. Stuart addressed the World Health Organization at a conference in 1953 in Uganda. This information is obtained from the doctor’s transcript of the talk entitled ‘The Problem of Mass Vaccination against Yellow Fever’. As with the polio vaccination, mouse brain cultures had also been used in the development of a Yellow Fever vaccine. Two main concerns are voiced by the doctor. Firstly, unintentionally viruses contained in the mouse brain cells that are latent may be transferred to humans and prove to be pathogenic. Secondly, some of these viruses may have a preferential tendency to attack the human central nervous system. It is accepted practice that passing a human virus through animal cells such as those of mice, rabbits, dogs or monkeys can result in a less pathogenic and weakened virus that could be then used as a vaccine. However, are we running the risk of animal viruses piggy-backing into the human genome on the back of the associated vaccine? So this was hardly a ‘fringe’ medical meeting but a WHO gathering!

Mikovits consulted with her colleague and mentor, Dr Frank Ruscetti. He in turn had been informed by a senior colleague that the human immune system could deal successfully and effectively with any animal virus that may have found its way into the human body.

However Ruscetti and two of his colleagues discovered the first disease-causing retrovirus ( Human T-cell leukemia virus) HTLV-1 in 1981. The virus is of simian origin, having been transferred from monkeys or apes. The name of the related monkey virus is STLV-1 (Simian T-Lymphotropic virus). So, a virus transferred from an animal to an human can indeed cause cancer, contrary to what Ruscetti had been told by his senior colleague, John Coffey. HIV-AIDS is a similar example of a zoonotic infection.

The earliest records of a country intentionally priming the immune system by introducing it to a weakened or dead pathogen in order to strengthen the former are found in ancient China in the 10th century.

On Oct 8th 2009, Mikovits and Ruscetti had an article published in Science, one of the world’s top academic journals regarding the first ever isolation of the recently discovered retrovirus XMRV and its relationship to ME/CFS. Xenotropic Murine Virus-related Virus (XMRV) is a bit of a mouthful! Xenotropic means that the virus seeks a host to infect – it can’t survive on its own unlike a bacterium. It reproduces in cells other than that of the host species. Murine means relating to mice and rats. So, it’s a virus that originated in rats and mice that has found its way into humans. Of those who suffer with ME/CFS, they found approximately 67% had the XMRV virus. Whereas, in healthy uninfected individuals only 4% were found to have the virus. This sounds like a very strong and convincing correlation suggesting that XMRV does indeed play a significant role in the onset of ME/CFS. Furthermore, fourteen of seventeen children with autism tested positive for evidence of XMRV.
Two years later, in 2011 an article appeared in Frontiers of Microbiology, the third cited of all journals in the field of microbiology. Mikovits and Ruscetti were not the only scientists concerned about mouse viruses causing human illnesses. With the literary and apt title of ‘Of Mice and Men: On the origins of XMRV’, in their article, Ben Berkout et al. voiced similar concerns:
‘It is possible that XMRV particles in the virus stocks cultured in mice and mouse cells for vaccine production, and that the virus was transferred to the human population by vaccination’.

Further details of ThimerosaI following on from the first paragraph.

If you look on the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC- US national public health agency) website, on the homepage, it states ‘There is no evidence of harm caused by the low level of doses of Thimerosal …’ and ‘it has a record of being very safe.’
This begs the question that is if this is the case why has it been banned outright in the above countries and an increasing number of US States? Presumably, the CDC would be unlikely to state otherwise. To do so would open themselves up to billions of dollars worth of compensation claims and a heavy blow to their reputation and credibility. The fact is that ethylmercury which is released from Thimerosal in solution is a potent neurotoxin. I.e. a poison which acts on the nervous system.

Richard C. Dick, PhD, former Professor of Pharmacology at Northeastern University in Boston, Massachussetts wrote a paper entitled ‘Thimerosal and Autism’ in 2007. He has 63 peer-reviewed articles to his name. He states that …
‘A significant role for Thimerosal in causing and/or contributing towards autism and other neurological disorders is, in my professional opinion, well supported by studies of its distribution and elimination and by studies of its metabolic and neurological actions. These studies, including experimental findings from my own laboratory, show that the effects of Thimerosal closely parallel metabolic abnormalities found in autistic children, including its ability to induce a state of oxidative stress and impaired methylation status. In brain, and in neurons in particular, these metabolic abnormalities interfere with mechanisms which are critical for normal attention and cognitve abilities, accounting for major symptoms of autism.’

People are rapidly becoming more critical, skeptical and aware regarding official narratives that we are told in all areas of life from our governments. This is a good sign that we are taking an active role in discovering the truth for ourselves and are no longer willing to accept verbatim official propoganda. For example, a UNICEF report in 2021 stated that researchers (Ipsos) have found that a third (29% of the population) of Montenegro citizens believe that the MRR vaccine causes autism and other psychological disorders and are not having their children vaccinated.#

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